Friday, October 3, 2008

9:00 PM - Friday

Congress, this afternoon, has said to "We the people...", "you have no say in OUR decisions." Read that again, please.

That dupe of a president has signed it ("The Bail Out" of Amerika) & it is now "alive" in the land...the Land that minds like Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, et al., put their souls into, gone. Just like that. Gone.

I'm gone too.

Good bye.

-John Wm. Ballouz

2 comments: said...

The worst might be yet to come. This country is so fucked up they might put McCain in office. I say we don't go down without a fight. I am a product of the 60's, as are you, a born rebel. What would Jesse James do? I might end up in the cell next to OJ. I would burn my bra if I thought it would help but this may call for something more drastic. any ideas? anybody said...

hey Royce, you are the bomb! and so right. It is disobedience and rebellion that will make a difference now. How could it get any worse. We have nothing to loose, sticking your head in the sand won't help. Giving in and becoming a "yes man" won't help. You're right, I own nothing, the bank owns it all.