Monday, October 6, 2008


...looks like they aren't going to even wait (DOW 9,869.48 11:48 AM ET) until the election!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dear Mr Panza,

While running on the beach this morning, w/ the weight of the world on my shoulders -as usual - about 1/4 of the way thru, this total & complete "lightness" came over me (I now know what Saul felt like).

I suddenly realized that I had been relieved of "my stewardship" of the country. I was a free man! The government had broken its contract w/ fact the contract had been broken long ago (we've been living in some kind of hybrid oligarchy since about '62), but I was too blind to see it. Of course, in my own defense, it was more subtle than these last few years, & far more subtle than these last few daze, but none the less... I also realized that you had been telling me that very thing for years! ...but I refused to hear - they don't call me rockhead for nothing, ya' know. Suddenly the windmills were merely windmills, still there, but there was nothing I could do about them any longer. Still taunting me, but now only windmills, now only a whisper. I was free of all of them!

Oh, be assured I shall do what is expected of me as a member of society, & my own rules of ethics & morals shall keep me in line, but I am a freeman! I don't even need to read the book. I've realized all this on my own...if only I had been listening to you sooner - if only...

Thank you, Sancho for sticking w/ me during my rants & raves, gently leading me to the promised land.

Welcome to "Fortress Rock"!!!

xos, Don

Friday, October 3, 2008

9:00 PM - Friday

Congress, this afternoon, has said to "We the people...", "you have no say in OUR decisions." Read that again, please.

That dupe of a president has signed it ("The Bail Out" of Amerika) & it is now "alive" in the land...the Land that minds like Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, et al., put their souls into, gone. Just like that. Gone.

I'm gone too.

Good bye.

-John Wm. Ballouz

Thursday, October 2, 2008

an open letter to two friends:

It is about 5:30am, Thursday & I've been up since about 3:am "stewing in my own juices". This is only going to two people - the two who(m?) I actually give a flying f* what they think - & they both are well versed in my "stewing"!

I've been pounding the keys for a couple of hours about the impending House vote on the rip-off of America. It was so boring, that I bored myself. So a simple DEL & Gone... & here is probably my final "will & testament" to the political process...short & hopefully sweet, as my forced retirement is imminent.

Put this away until July 1, '09 & give it a quick read. It may prove enlightening...but, then again, maybe not.

With this final unabashed rip-off of $700B, the Union is in such financial distress, the "bail-out" is all but assured, the people's will ignored - I shall resign. Please no weeping, for it is to a better place I go.

But, before I do - I shall keep it hopefully short - lets look a just a few things.

1. I don't have to go into the particulars of this "thing" because you both are well aware of it all.

2. We are witnessing such open theft that we may not recover in our lifetime.

3. This "thing" will effectively produce a 4th branch of government - accountable to no one. Operative Concept: non-transparency of any stripe!!!

4. Paulson - I call you a traitor. You have substantially weakened the Union for your - & your henchmen's (you see Goldman-Sachs hand in every cranny of this; & Buffet you should be held accountable, you lying fraud, because people look to you. ...a stretch? maybe, but so what?) - personal gain.

5. Bush - I call you a fool. You are but a tool, but should be held accountable, none the assured history shall judge you for what you have done & allowed to be done.

6. The "Fed" - remember it consists of 12 privately owned banks - will now become the famed 800 lb. gorilla. (My thanks to K for first sending me on the scent, lo, those 20-25 yrs ago.)

7. I ask the NY Fed - where is the $4T that goes unaccounted for since '89?

8. - further - I ask the NY Fed why hasn't there been an audit - of any kind - since '95?

9. I ask Congress - why have you not performed your fiduciary responsibility & represented the people? Avarice or stupidity?

10. - further - I ask Congress why have you, in your unlimited hubris, ignored the will of the people (K, you were right & I was wrong, but to what end?) & passed this abomination (Redundant? So what?)?

11. - further - if it is in your (Congress) self interest - including the prospect that you've been bought - I accuse YOU, too, of treason.

12. - further - if you (Congress) are just stupid & non-informed of the facts, that is ALMOST, but not quite, excusable. You must be held accountable in so far as losing your job - at the least.

13. The "will of the people" is non-existent...they (the people) said: "no," you (the Congress) said: "so what"? Question: what does that - directly - speak to?



Thursday, October 2, 2008 - remember that date - put this away until July 1, '09, then dig it out & call me fool or prophet.

(the paragraph breaks are artificial, but are simply there to make it easier to read)

Tomorrow when the House signs off on this "thing" the markets will probably jump. The exchanges world-wide will probably jump. Everyone will be slapping each other on the back saying: "...we did it."..."...saved the world."..."...we knew better than the people."..."...why, we're the pundits."

BUT watch: this will hold until the elections - maybe until the inauguration in January - but the incoming President will find himself in financial prison.

Mid-March, when the "corporates" come due, you'll see - if not sooner, mind you - the smart money being taken out & going elsewhere. The markets will crash...will make Tuesday's 777 look like "mice nuts" (quote my brother).

April 15 & - I do truly give it less than 100 to 1 - a tax revolt. I don't think that is really viable, but I also didn't think "the mob" would stir (K you were right, but again, to what end?) against this "thing" we'll see.

From then on you'll see a housing crash - unless the banks do exactly what (stalking-horse) got them into this "supposed mess" in the first place - the likes of which has NEVER been seen.


I could go on, but that's what I DEL'd, so why bother - you're both smart enough to get the "drift". My "Swan Song" should have been better & broader, but it would've entailed the third "B" - boredom.

I know when I SEND this I'll remember 100 other things I want to say - but I'll spare you both.