Sunday, May 11, 2008

comment: news link #2

"What can Washington do to reduce the gas prices in the near term. The short term answer, alas, is not much." - qoute the NY Times

What? The answer is simple - rein in the god-damn oil companies. Yes the petro-dollar is weak, but the oil companies continue to make "windfall profits"! That is a simple fact. Simply undeniable. EXXON (see outrage) just posted its 2nd highest quarterly earnings in history. Re-read that: " history." Enough said, time to think for yourselves, people. Your elected oil-company-lap-dogs are not about to do anything for you. ...or don't think for yourselves & you'll continue to get what you've gotten up until now - SCREWED!


Anonymous said...

So, so true! As we sit here and complain about the ever-rising price of processed gasoline, the oil companies continue to reap the benefits of overpriced products!

Cry me a river, America...reap what you sow!

The Pheasant said...

...exactly so.

I'm truly sick of it all, but I, like everyone else cannot think - if they think at all - of what to do. I sit here & pound the keys in frustration & pretend I'm actually accomplishing something.